Sunspot Counts Hit a 9-Year High

Sunspot Counts Hit a 9-Year High

In a continued sign of strength for Solar Cycle 25, sunspot counts just hit a 9-year high. The monthly sunspot number of 144 in January 2023 was only percentage points away from topping the previous solar cycle, Solar Cycle 24, which peaked in Feb. 2014 with a monthly value of 146. Originally, forecasters thought Solar Cycle 25 would be about the same as Solar Cycle 24, one of the weakest solar cycles in a century. Current trends suggest Solar Cycle 25 will surpass that low threshold, at least. Solar Maximum is not expected until 2024 or 2025, so it has plenty of time to strengthen further, perhaps far exceeding Solar Cycle 24. Article from
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Audio Gallery

Audio Gallery

I have recently added an Audio Gallery page to my website which I will showcase some audio files of some interesting DX, DXPeditions etc that are heard at my QTH. If you find a recording of yourself on the page and don't wish for it to be showcased there, please be sure to drop me an email at and I will happily remove it for you.
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